Nurturing young people to reach their full potential under Christ.


ACTION Buses. Visit the ACTION website for cost and time table information. The School is currently serviced by several ACTION buses, including a couple that go through the Tuggeranong Interchange.

MyWay Card: In order to travel on ACTION buses, each student must have a MyWay card. For all students enrolled at Covenant Christian School, this card is issued by the School as an ID card. Parents must load value onto this card before it can be used – this can be done via BPay or at a Canberra Connect office. More information can be obtained by contacting ACTION on 131710.

Subsidised Bus Travel on QCity Transport. Families living in Jerrabomberra, Queanbeyan, Googong, Michelago and other parts of NSW are eligible for ‘free’ bus travel to schools in the ACT. Currently the School is serviced by QCity Transport by four routes: 40, 44, 50 & 58. Parents are advised that they must re-apply for subsidised bus travel when their child changes from Infants (Years K-2) to Primary (Years 3-6) or from Primary (Year 6) to Secondary (Year 7). Please contact the School Office for an application form if your child falls into one of these groups at the beginning of a calendar year.

© Copyright 2025 Covenant Christian School. Website by Michael Vangelovski.