Nurturing young people to reach their full potential under Christ.

Senior (Years 7-10) School

The Teenage Years – An Age of Opportunity

The teenage years, with all their growing pains and angst, can get a bad rap. But we agree with Christian author Paul David Tripp (Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens), that this is a time of unparalleled opportunity in the life of a young person as they journey to maturity.

We aim to assist parents in the development of character in its wholeness – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Core subjects remain important, as well as the opportunity to extend skills with a range of electives. Opportunities to create, design, perform, debate and explore gives students a taste of where their future abilities might lie in pursuing further studies and a vocation.

Above all we want to join with you as parents in shepherding your child’s heart, equipping them with faith and values for the future.

Core Subjects

The discipline of learning is key to all future study and vocational choices, and this begins with the core subjects. Covenant seeks to engage students in their learning through practical, theoretical and creative exercises, encouraging them to become absorbed and inspired in the subject matter.

Secondary Camp

Each year all Secondary students have the opportunity to attend a school camp. This is always a popular event which students greatly look forward to, especially as they are able to extend their skills and experiences with a range of activities such as horse riding, surfing, canoeing, bushwalking and team exercises to name a few.


Outdoor Education

One of our most popular electives in recent years has been Outdoor Education. Students participate in a very broad range of physical activities which not only develops their skills in diverse areas, but also challenges them to develop mental strength to overcome adversity, learn to work as a team more effectively, and confront personal fears.

Food Technology

Food Tech has also been an extremely popular elective choice. The curriculum includes a number of opportunities for hospitality students to obtain real-life industry experience through catering and serving at a number of school functions. Years 9/10 students also run their own cafe for a day (‘Cafe 101’), to which parents and friends are invited.

Music & Performing Arts

Students love the opportunity to flex their artistic and performing muscles and are given plenty of opportunities to do so. Several musical and performing arts events are held annually. Our Music Elective subject also gives students the opportunity to extend their musical abilities in singing, composing, playing instruments and performing.

…And So Much More!

Whether it be in Textiles, Drama, Industrial Design, Art, Legal Studies, Geography, Photography, Physical Activity and Sports Studies, or Digital Technologies, our students never cease to amaze us with the high quality of projects they produce. Forgive us for being a little bit proud of the accomplishments of these wonderful young people!

Art Club Gallery

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