Nurturing young people to reach their full potential under Christ.

Living Literature Day

Covenant Christian School celebrated Living Literature Day last week – where the students, teachers and parents got to show off their costumes along with the corresponding book that their character came from.

There was an assembly where prizes were awarded for the best dressed of each year group. Judging is a tough job and we appreciate the teacher aids acting as judges.

All our Winners on the day!

For the first time students and parents could vote for the best dressed teacher. It was a tough call and many students wanted to vote twice! After the assembly students went back to their classes to do literacy based activities that parents could join in on. This year we also ran a book fair where the students could buy books supplied by Scholastic. This was very successful. It was a fabulous day and we look forward to the innovative ideas of next year.


Year 1



Year 2


Year 3


Year 4

Year 4b_edited_DNP


Year 5

Year 5b_edited_DNP


Year 6


Group 1 – Robin Hood

Year 4


Group 2 – Star Wars

Star Wars Group_edited_DNP










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