Nurturing young people to reach their full potential under Christ.

CARE Ministries

Covenant Christian School has been partnering with Christ focused organisations to help to promote a love for each other and for Christ.  Compassion, TEAR Australia and Bible League are all Christ centered ‘Word and deed’ ministries with a heart for caring for those who are hurting and in need of support. We are proud to call them partners in Christ’s mission field.


Compassion_Logo (1)Compassion

Compassion’s Child Sponsorship Program aims to develop children that graduate with the skills to be economically self-supporting, are physically and emotionally healthy, and demonstrate a genuine relationship with Christ. From $48 a month, you can play a vital role in the life of a child that extends far beyond financial support. By writing to your sponsored child, you can see the difference your words of hope can make in their life. If a child knows they are loved and supported, it will help them grow in their faith, develop self-confidence and dream big for their future. 

Covenant Christian School has supported Melaku (18yo), a child living in Ethiopia, for a number of years.  The School recently took on an additional  sponsor child by the name of Alisson (6yo) who lives in Colombia.



TEARTEAR Australia

TEAR Australia is a movement of Christians in Australia responding to the needs of poor communities around the world. Our motivation comes from our belief that God calls us to love all people, and in Christ offer them the opportunity of a new life. We believe that God is just, and has particular care for the poor and those who suffer as victims of injustice. We work in partnership with other Christian groups, including churches, relief and development agencies and community-based organisations, which are working with the poor in their communities. We seek to build effective relationships with these partners, grounded in mutual respect, trust and accountability. Priority is given to those programs that strive to involve the most marginalised and exploited members of each community, regardless of their religious or political beliefs. In Australia, we work to inform and empower Christians, in partnership with local churches, to make a biblically-shaped response to suffering and oppressed communities.


BLI-Logo_100_cmyk-largeBible League

Serving the under-resourced Church globally through the provision of Bibles, biblical resources and training to transform lives worldwide and help people meet Jesus.
We achieve this through:
• Project Philip Bible Studies – planting the Word of God into people’s hearts.
• Church Planter Training – bringing the Gospel to unchurched areas.
• Bible-based Literacy – helping break the poverty cycle in developing countries.
• Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) – the first Bible people receive is one they can understand.
• Local Ministries – impacting youth, families and churches in Australia and New Zealand.

Covenant Christian School regularly fundraises for the Bible League and utilise the Run 4 Bible program each year.

© Copyright 2025 Covenant Christian School. Website by Michael Vangelovski.